Samples of the 12" Ceramic
40/40 Hempcone Tone Tubby
Alec Fuhrman MP3 Sample Tele, 1x12 Ceramic Tone Tubby
in a Ampeg/Crate V30, rhythm and lead.
Alec Fuhrman MP3 Sample Tele, 1x12 Ceramic Tone Tubby in a Ampeg/Crate V30
Alec Fuhrman MP3 Sample Tele, 1x12 Ceramic Tone Tubby in a Ampeg/Crate V30, rhythm and lead.
Alec Fuhrman MP3 Sample Tele, 2x12 Ceramic Tone Tubby in a Ampeg/Crate V50, 1 track.
Alec Fuhrman MP3 Sample Tele, 2x12 Ceramic Tone Tubby in a Ampeg/Crate V50, 1 track.
Galo Rivera MP3 Sample Strat on the right: Brentwood Holland Amp, 1 Ceramic Tone Tubby, played by Adam Young.Resurrection guitar on
the left: Brentwood Holland Amp, 1 Alnico Tone Tubby, played by Galo Rivera.
Brian Wood MP3 Sample Strat, 2x12 Tone Tubby Cab, Ceramic,
O'Dell 30 Amp.
Brian Wood MP3 Sample Strat, 2x12 Tone Tubby Cab, Ceramic, O'Dell 30 Amp.
Sound Samples