MP3 Samples of the Bass Hempcone
"Super Boy" Tone Tubby Speakers
One of our test pilots, Steve Evans from Coco Montoya,and also Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings. Fender Squire Jazz Bass, Crest
Audio CA4 Amp with a Demeter Preamp and our prototype Bass Cabs
The 4x10 Cab
with Tweeter
The 2x10 Cab
The 4x10 Cab on it's side
with Tweeter
The 4x10 and
the 2x10 together
Steve and the 2x10 Cab
with a Peavy MkVI Amp
Fender Squire Jazz Bass
3 minute song
Tone Tubby 4x10, far mic'd Lakland Deluxe Bass.
Tone Tubby 4x10, far mic'd Jazz Bass.
Sound Samples