REALITY CHECK- by Beth Ramona
REALITY CHECK has been around, off and on, for the last eight years or so, but the show's real personality Stuttering Danny D took over in '93. Produced roughly but with skill and humor, Reality Check gives air- time to local and national acts. From metal to punk bands to performance artists, as well as San Francisco events like street fairs and the Exotic Erotic Ball.
Stuttering Danny, a longhaired, heavy metal Loving, girl-band geek, whose continual stuttering during commentary and actual interviews is his trademark, hosts each week's episode. (Look out, Stuttering John!) He's also known for his unintentional goofiness.
Who else could get away with bringing 20 Motorhead albums to an interview with Lemmy so they could be autographed? Who else could get away with suddenly looking into to the camera just before interviewing Joey Ramone and verbally taunting his Ramones-loving ex- girlfriend: "Bet you're sorry we broke up now, huh? You could have been her with me!"
The show is now over 200 episodes strong. When you tune in, you could catch a new episode or a rerun, and an interview with Gene Simmons, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Yngwie Malmsteen, Russ Meeker, L7, King Diamond, Phantom Blue, the Muffs, Dee Snyder, or Johnny "Rotten" Lydon to name a few.